Our Comprehensive Introduction to Congregational Governance
At the 2009 Unitarian Universalist General Assembly, Unity Consulting was asked to present nine hours of training on congregational governance as part of UU University. Our core question for this governance track: How can governance liberate the energy and creativity of Unitarian Universalist congregations to transform souls and bless the world?
We spent the first part of the track on the basic questions governance needs to answer to enable a congregation's effectiveness in the world, and the last part on the system we feel enables congregations to answer those questions well: Policy Governance® .
We're providing all of the materials we used for the governance track below. You honor the copyright on these materials by using them only for non-commercial purposes. You may copy them for your congregation's non-commercial use as described at: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/
(Policy Governance is the registered service mark of John Carver; the authoritative website for the Policy Governance model can be found at www.carvergovernance.com.)