If you've worked with Unity Consulting, you'll recognize our metaphor of the nested bowls as the foundation of a covenantal, fruitful governance practice. (If you haven't worked with us, please see below!) How have congregations answered these powerful questions? Here are three examples.
From Unity Church-Unitarian in St. Paul, MN Core Values:
Mission: The mission of Unity Church-Unitarian is to engage people in a free and inclusive religious community that encourages lives of integrity, service and joy. Ends 2014-2018:
From the Unitarian Society of Santa Barbara, CA Core Values:
The Unitarian Society of Santa Barbara, a loving community of seekers:
Living with integrity, we:
From First Universalist Church in Minneapolis, MN Core Values: We believe in:
In the Universalist spirit of love and hope, we give, receive, and grow. First Universalist Church. Visionary Goals:
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What's Here?Our thinking about the role of governance in congregational life. Archives
April 2020